Health Coaching

People usually want to be healthier. But starting a program and staying motivated can be tough. That’s why employee health coaching is so valuable. Some areas of expertise include managing weight or stress, exercise, nutrition, smoking cessation, and work/life balance.

Guided Motivation

We value the human connection with productive conversations between employee and coach. Our health coaches draw on their experience and behavior-change training to help employees accomplish goals they choose to pursue. The employee is in the driver's seat. We provide motivation, encouragement, and information that makes sense for each person and leads to sustainable behavior change.

Employee Health Coaching includes:

Personal, confidential guidance for a healthier approach to life.

  • One-on-one coaching sessions (onsite, online, or by phone)

  • Convenient messaging and scheduling through the Wellness Portal

  • Personal attention and custom goal setting to satisfy each employee’s needs

  • Consistent follow-up to sustain engagement

  • Discounts on leading brands of fitness and wellness products

  • Educational resources and materials relevant to employee goals and interests

  • Support for other internal wellness initiatives

  • Access to self-management tools

Experience Counts 

Certified coaches have a strong foundation in evidence-based wellness. They have worked with thousands of employees and consistently receive 100% satisfaction ratings from people who have participated.

Reporting and Results

Employers receive anonymous, aggregate reports of employee health coaching results. These are useful in planning programs or interventions that will help create a healthier, more productive workforce. It’s insight that’s essential to your business.

  • Encourages healthy lifestyles
  • Helps retain employees and boost morale
  • Lets people set their own goals
  • Helps promote wellness in the workplace

Participant Satisfaction
98% of participants said they would recommend coaching to others.

82% of participants are likely to continue health coaching next year.

Wellness Portal

  • Integrated personal health record
  • Health Coaching Services
  • Wellness challenges
  • Incentive management
  • Secure messaging system

Health Coaches

Trained, certified professionals help put your goals in reach.

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